I've started with Pong, which interestingly has a few somewhat advanced features that some modern games don't even use, such as collision detection and dynamics (ball/paddle speed), and causes me to add stuff to the engine that i may have missed in design or underdesigned.
I hope to post these first efforts soon :)
It's rewarding to finally see (after some months of working on it) how easy the game engine allows to quickly come up with a game prototype, edit and change stuff, instead of always having to rewrite the game scratch. Also, as the engine design was broken into modules, it's fairly easy to pick up where i left off the past week (since i work on it mostly at nights, sometimes a week or so will go by without having time or energy to do coding)
Next up will be Tetris! Yay :)
First sketch of the title screen:
Screen cap of the current game main screen state of the game: